Call for Application Erasmus+ summer 2021

calls for applications to participate in the student-mobility program of the Erasmus + program during the summer term 2021.

Under this call, applicants should have a research topic that they want to conduct their research. The research which will form the student’s project work should be completed within 6 months (a semester) under the supervision of a professor from Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development (EUSD), Germany. Depending on your research topic, the professor from EUSD would be provided by the Office of International Affairs and Institutional Linkages, KsTU. If you are a student at KsTU and interested in conducting your research in the following areas, please apply now at the International Office, KsTU.

  • Wood Mensuration
  • Numerical Mathematics and Applied Statistics
  • Wood working and processing
  • Timber construction
  • Applied wood biology, structure detection and sustainable wood protection
  • Machine elements and machine dynamics
  • Chemistry and physics of wood and chemical process engineering
  • Design, construction and manufacture of products made of wood
  • Production and recycling of wood-based materials

If you are selected to participate in the Erasmus+ program as an exchange student from KsTU, you will receive a grant that assures the payment of the living costs in Germany (850€/ month). Each selected participant will also get a travel contribution of 820€. Summer term 2021 starts at the 22nd of March 2021 and ends on the 06th of august 2021 (it is expected of all students to arrive at least a week before the start of the term).

If you want to participate, you need to apply at the International Office, KsTU and submit the following documents:

  • Letter of intent (your research topic and proposal, your motivation and what you expect to be the benefit of such an exchange for your student and professional life)

  • CV;

  • Transcript of Record;

  • Proof of enrolment;

  • Proof of English Proficiency

Note: Please submit these documents altogether and in complete form, otherwise your application cannot be taken into consideration.

The closing date for submission of applications at the KsTU International Office is 12th October 2021.

For further information, please contact your Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator: Departmental Coordinator

(contact person at the Faculty) Dr. Addo Koranteng:, Institutional coordinator:

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Dwomoh:

Posted Date: 
Friday, September 25, 2020