Arc. Kwabena F. Mosner-Ansong

Staff Grade: 

Master of Science (Architecture), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST)

Post-graduate Diploma (Architecture), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST)

Bachelor of Science (Architecture), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST)


Professional Membership: 
Member - Ghana Institution of Architects
Research Interests: 

Building Science and Services; Building Energy Use and Efficiency; Building Operations and Maintenance

Building Services; Building Science and Services; Building Maintenance; Contract Law and Administration; Engineering Economy; Civil Engineering Drawings


Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2018). Occupants’ Perceptions on Indoor Comfort as a Key Factor in Residential Energy Use. Journal of Energy and Natural Resource Management (JENRM). ICCCSDA 2017 Special Issue: Agriculture, Natural Resources and Renewable Energy. Vol 1, 49-58.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2018). The Seasonal Effects of Weather on Residential Electric-Energy Usage. Journal of Energy and Natural Resource Management (JENRM). ICCCSDA 2017 Special Issue: Environment, Technology and Sustainable Development. Vol 1, 51-59.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2018). The Building Occupants’ Factor in Reducing Electric Energy Wastage in Ghanaian Residential Homes- A Critical Review. International Journal of Technology and Entrepreneurship (IJTE). Vol. 1, Issue 1, 138-152.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2017). Theoretical Inquiry into Developing a Framework for Assessing Electric Energy Wastage in Residential Homes in Ghana. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa (ICIDA) 2017, pp. 311-324, College of Art and Built Environment, KNUST – Kumasi, held at IDL Conference Center, KNUST, April 14 – 17, 2017.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2017). Evaluating The Building Occupants’ Factor in Electric Energy Wastage Reduction for Residential Homes in Ghana. A Critical Review. International Conference on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ICETE) 2017, Ghana Technology University College, Ghana in collaboration with Coventry University, UK, held Ghana Technology University Campus, Tesano-Accra, June 12 – 14, 2017.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2017). Ontology into Building Occupants’ Perceptions on Energy Efficiency in Ghanaian Residential Homes Designs. 1st International Conference On Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ICCCSDA 2017), University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), Sunyani, July 25 – 28, 2017.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2017). Correlation between Weather and Electric Energy Consumption in Ghanaian Residential Homes. 2nd International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, College of Engineering, KNUST held at the IDL Conference Center, KNUST – Kumasi, August 16 – 18, 2017.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2017). A Bottom-up Approach in Identifying the Critical Energy Use Drivers for Residential Homes in Ghana: Towards Energy Wastage Reductions. 2nd International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, College of Engineering, KNUST held at the IDL Conference Center, KNUST – Kumasi, August 16 – 18, 2017.

Mosner-Ansong, K.F. & Duah, D. (2017). Potentials of an Obligatory Energy Audit of Households: Towards an Energy Resilient Ghanaian Residential Sector. 4th International Conference On Applied Sciences and Technology (ICAST 20