Dr. Kofi Mintah Oware

Dr Kofi Mintah Oware
Staff Grade: 
  • PhD in Business Administration, specializing in sustainability management and finance, from Mangalore University, India, in 2020
  • Master in Business Administration in 2006 from Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen Business School) in Scotland, UK
Brief Bio: 

Dr Kofi Mintah Oware is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Banking Technology and Finance, Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) and a Fellow member of the Institute of Cost Executives and Accountants (FCEA), UK; Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA) Ghana. He obtained his PhD in Business Administration, specializing in sustainability management and finance, from Mangalore University, India, in 2020. He completed a Master in Business Administration in 2006 from Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen Business School) in Scotland, UK. His research interest covers various aspects of sustainability management and finance, which include environmental reporting, social performance reporting, corporate governance and minority issues in business performance. He has 32 publications in several peer-reviewed international journals associated with publishing houses, including Emerald publication, Sage publication, and Wiley publication. His research visibility and detailed publications are below.



  1. Oware, K.M. and Amoako, G.A. (2022). CEO Characteristics and disability employment of listed firms. Evidence from India. Cogent Business and Management, Vol.9(1),https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2022.2119826
  2. Oware, K.M., Amoako, G.A., and Halidu, O.B. (2022). Does the gender of board members influence the choice of sustainability report format of listed firms? Empirical evidence from India. Managerial Finance, Vol.https://doi.org/10.1108/MF-05-2022-0242
  3. Oware, K.M. and Botchway, K.D.K. (2022). Exchange and moral capital of CSR disclosure and financial distress likelihood of family management firms: evidence from India. Management Research Review, https://doi.org/10.1108/MRR-09-2021-0694 , Emerald publications.
  4. Oware, K.M. and Appiah, K. (2022). CEO Characteristics, Family-controlled Firms and Employer-support volunteerism: Evidence from India. FIIB Business Review, pp. 1-14, Sage publications.
  5. Oware, K.M. and Oware Mintah, A. (2022). Fe (Male) Global Leaders and Crisis Management: Evidence from COVID-19 in European Countries. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. Vol.10(7).
  6. Adaletey, J.E., Alkadash, T.M., Achiyaale, R.A. and Oware, K.M. (2022). Property tax and tax system for revenue mobilization. SPECIALUSIS UGDYMAS, Vol.1(43), pp.429-449.
  7. Amoako, G.K., Asafo-Adjei, E., and Oware, K.M. (2022). Do volatilities matter in the interconnectedness between world energy commodities and stock markets of BRICS? Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, article ID 1030567, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1030567
  8. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2021). Does technological innovation compete or complement job employment? Effect of Innovation and financial performance. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, , DOI: 10.1007/S41027-021-00340-Y, Springer Nature
  9. Oware, K.M., Iddrisu, A.A, Worae, T.T and Adaletey, J.E. (2022), “Female and environment disclosure of family and non-family firms. Evidence from India”, Management Research Review, , DOI 10.1108/MRR-05-2021-0376, Emerald publications
  10. Oware, K.M., and Appiah, K. (2021), “CSR assurance practice and financial distress likelihood. Evidence from India”, Meditari Accountancy Research, , DOI 10.1108/MEDAR-10-2020-1055, Emerald publications.
  11. Oware, K.M., and Iddrisu, A.A. (2022), “Moral capital of CSR and firm performance: Does a shift from voluntary to mandatory policy matter in an Indian context?”, Society and Business Review, , DOI 10.1108/SBR-03-2021-0041, Emerald publications.
  12. Immurana, M., Dalaba, M.A., Mathew, T.J., Yusif, H.M., Boachie, M.K., Oware, K.M. and Ayanore, M.A (2021). An empirical analysis of the effect of tobacco taxation on economic growth in 38 African countries. Journal of International Development, , pp.1257-1269. DOI: 10.1002/jid.3574, Wiley
  13. Oware, K.M., Valancherry, A.K. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2021), “Do third-party assurance and mandatory CSR reporting matter to philanthropic and performance nexus? Evidence from India” Social Responsibility Journal, https://doi.org/10.1108/SRJ-10-2020-0411, Emerald publications
  14. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa. (2020), “”, Social Responsibility Journal, Vol.17(4),pp.469-488, https://doi.org/10.1108/SRJ-09-2019-0297, Emerald publication
  15. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa T. (2021), “”, Social Responsibility Journal, Vol.17(3), pp.384-398, https://doi.org/10.1108/SRJ-09-2019-0299, Emerald publication
  16. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2021), “Assurance service and performance. Effect of CEO characteristics”, Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol.29 (1), pp.39-59, https://doi.org/10.1108/MEDAR-03-2020-0802, Emerald publication
  17. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2021), Corporate social responsibility and debt financing: a quantile regression approach. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, Vol.19 No. 4, pp. 615-639. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFRA-07-2020-0202, Emerald publication
  18. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2021), Financial performance and gender diversity. The effect of family management after a decade attempt. Society and Business Review, Vol.16 (1), pp.94-112,  https://doi.org/10.1108/SBR-05-2020-0072, Emerald publication
  19. Appiah, K, Appiah R., Oware, K.M., and Yeboah, B. (2021). Economic Growth, Industrialization, Trade, Electricity Production and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Evidence from Ghana. Journal of Economic Science Research, Vol.04(1), http://ojs.bilpublishing.com/index.php/jesr
  20. Oware, K.M. and Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2021). CEO characteristics and environmental disclosure of listed firms in an emerging economy: Does sustainability reporting format matter? Business Strategy and Development, Vol. 4(4), pp.399-410, DOI: 10.1002/bsd2.166, Wiley publication
  21. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2022), CSR expenditure, mandatory CSR reporting and financial performance of listed firms in India: an institutional theory perspective. Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 30(1), pp. 1-21,  https://doi.org/10.1108/MEDAR-05-2020-0896, Emerald publication
  22. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2020), Disability employment and financial performance: the effect of technological innovation of listed Firms in India. Social Responsibility Journal, Vol.17 (3), pp.384-398, Emerald publications.
  23. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2020), Financial performance and Gender Diversity: The Moderating and Mediating Effect of CSR Disclosure and Expenditure of Listed Firms in India. Vision, DOI: 10.1177/09722629211001985, Sage publications
  24. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2020), “Financial distress likelihood and social performance of listed firms. The effect of mandatory CSR policy” , Vol.29 (4), pp.10349-10363
  25. Oware, K.M. and Mallikarjunappa, T. (2019), “Corporate social responsibility investment, third-party assurance and firm performance in India: The moderating effect of financial leverage”, South Asian Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 8 (3), pp.303-324.  https://doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-08-2018-0091, Emerald publication.   
  26. Oware K. M., Samanhyia S., and Ampong G.O.A. (2016), “Public procurement in teaching hospital in Ghana” Int. Journal of Supply Chan and Operations Resilience Vol. 2, No. 3.
  27. Samanhyia S.,Oware K. M.,and  Anisom-Yaansah F. (2016), “Financial Distress and Bankruptcy Prediction: Evidence from Ghana” Expert Journal of Finance Volume 4, pp.52-65
  28. Oware K. M., Samanhyia S., and Ampong G.O.A. (2015), “Elimination of waste and inefficiencies through lean maintenance management in mining industries, Ghana” International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. Vol. 3, 836-845.
  29. Oware K. M., Samanhyia S., and Ampong G.O.A. (2015), “Assessment of the Risk and Challenges of Debt Management Practices in Organization (A case study of Ghana Water Company Limited)” International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. Vol. 3,691-701.
  30. Oware K. M. and Nkansah E. (2014), “Housing Finance in Ghana: Determinants of Mortgage Demand” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. Vol. 118, 56-64.
  31. Nkansah E., and Oware K. M. (2013), “Impact of ICT on the Financial Performance of Rural banks in Ghana: A case study of selected rural banks in Ashanti Region” Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies. Vol. 2(10).
  32. Nkansah E., and Oware K. M. (2013), “Innovation and Creativity and Production in Machine Efficiency in Ghanaian Mining Industries” Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies. Vol. 3(1).