Department of Hotel, Catering and Institutional Management

Globally the hospitality and tourism industry is growing rapidly and Ghana is not an exception and this has necessitated the need for qualified personnel to manage the sector efficiently and effectively. The Hotel Catering and Institutional Management (HCIM) Department, under the Faculty of Applied Sciences, has been training students in the Higher National Diploma programme in Hospitality
Management. The Department also offers Intermediate and Advance Cookery programmes.
The HCIM Department effectively imparts knowledge and skills to students through training modules in theory and practical work for the Catering Industry in the job market.

To be internationally recognized as a Centre for training people for the Hospitality and Tourism sector for effective job performance.

The principal objective of the Department is to train high caliber practical oriented middle-level manpower for the Hospitality and Tourism industry in management and decision–making to:

  • Manage and supervise all establishments within the Food and Beverage sectors
  • Develop both traditional and continental cuisine
  • Acquire skills to be entrepreneurs
  • Innovate products from local commodities for project work admissible to the Food and Beverage Sector.